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FirmaConverto Translations
NameHelle Gulowsen
Straße20 Hoynors, Danbury
PLZ | OrtCM3 4RL Chelmsford, UK
Telefon+44 1245 224660
Mobil+44 7837204610
SonstigesHelle has over 25 years’ experience as translator and interpreter, and works extensively with the HM Courts & Tribunals Service as well as the Metropolitan Police Service and other UK police forces and law enforcement agencies. She also delivers services across the Norwegian and British shipping, energy, technology, and hospitality sectors.
SpracheVon: Engelsk | nach: Norsk
QualifikationDipTransIoLET (2008) – Chartered Institute of Linguists. Chartered Translator (2014). Statsautorisert translatør (2021).
DolmetscherHelle is based in the UK, has NPPV3 SC security clearance, and is a full member of the National Register of Public Service Interpreters, the Society of Official Metropolitan Police Interpreters, and the Association of Police and Court Interpreters. Experience includes: Crown Court, Business and Property Court, Family Court, Magistrates’ Court, Court of Protection, High Court, Court of Appeal, immigration services, psychiatric assessments, police interviews, medical appointments, child protection assessments, health and social care interviews.
FachgebieteSchiffahrt, Juristische Dokumente, Medizin, Handbücher, Gebrauchsanweisungen, Fremdenverkehr, Persönliche Dokumente (Nachweise, Zeugnisse u.a.), Verwaltung und Politik, Wirtschaft und Finanzen (Jahresberichte, Abschlüsse u.ä.), Behördliche/private Korrespondenz, Geschäftliche Korrespondenz, Texte aus dem Kulturleben, Dolmetschen, Korrektur und Textrevision, Versicherungen,